5 Keys to… Break through your Storm

Matt 14:22-33

5 keysMat 14:22 Then He directed the disciples to get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent away the crowds. Mat 14:23 And after He had dismissed the multitudes, He went up into the hills by Himself to pray. When it was evening, He was still there alone. Mat 14:24 But the boat was by this time out on the sea, many furlongs [a furlong is one-eighth of a mile] distant from the land, beaten and tossed by the waves, for the wind was against them.

Mat 14:25 And in the fourth watch [between 3:00–6:00 a.m.] of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on the sea. Mat 14:26 And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified and said, It is a ghost! And they screamed out with fright. Mat 14:27 But instantly He spoke to them, saying, Take courage! I AM! Stop being afraid! [Exod. 3:14.]

Mat 14:28 And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. Mat 14:29 He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus. Mat 14:30 But when he perceived and felt the strong wind, he was frightened, and as he began to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me [from death]! Mat 14:31 Instantly Jesus reached out His hand and caught and held him, saying to him, O you of little faith, why did you doubt?

Mat 14:32 And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. Mat 14:33 And those in the boat knelt and worshiped Him, saying, Truly You are the Son of God!

1. Pray like Jesus

Jesus had a great prayer life. He knew when to pray and most importantly, He knew that His power comes from spending time with the Father. Break through your storm by PRAYING.

2. Obey His Word

Peter said to Jesus that He must command him to come and he will come. One thing I have learned is that when Jesus speaks, we need to take note and do what He says. Every time Jesus said something, people was moved by faith and obedience. And miracles was released. Your faith can be like a mustard, but when we act on what God said, mountains will be moved.  Break through your storm by being OBEDIENT TO THE VOICE OF GOD.

3. Focus on WHERE Jesus is:

We have become so used to the time we are living in, that we forgot many tmes to look where Jesus is. Peter’s focus was on the Creator for most part his short journey on water. BUT when he lost sight of his Maker, he began to sink. Where is Jesus? We focus on the wind and the waves but when we sink, Jesus is just a call away. Right there to give you a hand and restore your “walking on water”. Peter walked back in the middle of the storm. Jesus only calmed the storm when they were safely in the boat. Break through your storm by FOCUSING on WHERE Jesus is. 

4. Seek His Presence:

The presence of God in every Christian’s life is so important. When They got into the boat, the storm became calm. Without a doubt, we need the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We need to make sure that Jesus is always part of our life. It is heart breaking to see so many Christian’s out there walking through the storms not knowing that they have kept Jesus out side their boat (life). to calm storms we need Jesus to be inside the boat.  Break through your storm by SEEKING His PRESENCE. 

5. Praise Him:

We see when Jesus gets in the boat the storms becomes quite. But then we see the disciples bowing before Jesus and Praising Him. Praise and Worship in the life of a Christian is vital. When we worship God, the devil can come with ideas and temptations, but the more we worship, the more God shows up. We need to look at ourselves, and praise God for everything He has given us.  Ps 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabits the praises of Israel.   Break through your storm by PRAISING Him for everything.

So I hope that when the storm comes, you will be prepared to rest in the knowing that Jesus will always show us the right way.  He is the Creator of everything.
